In the last installment of this series you were given the opportunity to view one of the most popular video clips ever posted at
So, in the interest of keeping things “fair and balanced,” I want to present you with one that falls at the other end of the spectrum.
Having been on the site for some six months now, this particular video has been viewed a rather paltry 2,000 times as compared to the previous video having received over 8 million views.
I think part of the reason for this less-than-popular showing is due in no small part to the scripture contained in 2 Peter: 6-8 where we learn that the message of the cross is an offense to the unbelieving.
And, it would seem, it is also an offense to many that claim to be believers.
This video, after all, deals specifically with that message – the message of the cross.
Does it present the entire story? No, not by a long shot.
But what it does present is a short, and powerful, message.
The video itself was put together by a professional editor and uses clips from a number of movies to get its message across – Jesus of Nazareth, The Greatest Story Ever Told, and The Passion of the Christ.
It may or may not be a video that you want your young children to watch – some of the scenes used from The Passion of the Christ are a bit graphic.
The purpose of the video, as presented on the site, is to encourage Christians in their faith and to nudge the un-believer into asking questions.
From sharing this video with friends and family, I can say that it accomplishes this purpose quite well. It has a way of giving us a renewed awareness of the work accomplished through the sacrifice Jesus made.
One final point, and then I’ll leave you to enjoy the video – continue watching the video until it comes to a complete stop. Just when you think it’s over – it launches into a new song and video segment (sort of like another story you may know).
In case it doesn’t play for you, here’s the direct link .
The video is entitled: Via Dolorosa/Revelation Song.
I am not worthy of anyone doing that for me. Especially not the King of kings and Lord of lords.
I can only marvel and repent.
This does not even come close to just the physical side of the crucifixion. His visage was marred more than any man’s. He was covered with blood as his wounds poured out blood. Jesus yielded Himself to the spikes driven through his wrists and feet. The worst was yet to come. Father, Father, why have you forsaken me.
This is a worthy saying, Christ died for sinners, of whom I am chief. Jesus Christ was the bravest man that has ever lived, or ever will live. Jesus was the visible image of the invisible God whom no man has seen or can see. It pleased God that in Him should dwell all of the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Jesus, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the express image of the Father. This infinite sacrifice for the sins of man is beyond words to express it. The value is unspeakable. So when men mock and deny that Jesus is the only way, they do not know who Jesus really is, just as the Jews did not know Him either. But one day He will come again, and we who believe will marvel and wonder at Him, for whom we see not, yet believe, we will see. It will blow us away. So now, as we have breath, let us submit to our Lord and follow Him daily. For me to live is Christ; to die is gain. Fulfill this in us Oh Lord.