Notes From the Outpost

In the blogging world, it’s considered bad form to apologize for not posting.

What started out as a short break suddenly mushroomed into an extended sabbatical and I just realized how lame that is.

The fort has not been deserted, I’ve just been at the outpost for a bit.

For the curious among you, a quick update on some of what’s been happening:

Hard to know where to start there’s been so much going on.

For starters, there’s been a higher than normal amount of warfare. Perhaps a sign of the times? I don’t know, really, just that it’s been ongoing and seemingly from every conceivable (and some not so) angle. More on that later.

Spent a considerable amount of time in designing and getting a new joint venture launched. Finally online, and seems to be drawing lots of viewers. One of the primary offerings is a series of mobile apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It’s been a fun time, but it’s also been extremely time-intensive.

If you own an iPhone, drop me a line and I’ll send you the code to download an app or two for free.

You can see the new site  here. Take a look over the apps and let me know which you’d like. (A quick disclaimer – we only get a limited number of download codes from the Apple store.)

Had the privilege of re-designing Michael Spencer’s website, better known as the Internet Monk.

Spent a fair amount of time reading some Tozer – one of my favorite authors.

Would definitely appreciate your prayer support. We have a family member that currently lives in another state with an addiction problem. He is going to come and stay with us to go through the detox and rehab here in Indy.

Along with all the physical and medical aspects we’re expecting a major spiritual battle. This enemy we face doesn’t give up his captives without a fight.

Even though we’re expecting that this could get ugly, we also know it is an answer to our prayers for another’s  salvation.

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